there’s many a slip….

In amongst all the weeping and gnashing of teeth, regarding the epic and totally predictable outcome of the sleaze-ridden FIFA World Cup 2018/2022 competition, there seem to be few sensible suggestions from the so-called great-and-good of the sporting world as to what to do next. The elite of the footballing world seem to be going around trying to find someone; anyone to blame for the fiasco, where such sporting Illuminati as Prince William, David Beckham and Prime Minister Cameron were wining, dining and even breakfasting the FIFA delegates. Allegedly getting promises of votes from all and sundry, they chose to believe that the same delegates were actually telling the truth, and so got the hopes of the world’s most passionate footballing Nations spiralling up to the heavens.

I always thought that politicians treated those whose favours they were supplicating, as very similar to the fools who had voted for them (the politicians) in the faint hope that the promises made during the election process would be kept, instead of being discarded as surplus once past the neccessary but totally meaningless voting process.

Writing as one who has absolutely no interest in organised sport whatsoever, I would have thought that the best thing that the Football Association should do would be to contact the other footballing authorities in places where we know that a gentleman’s word can be trusted, and find out if there is any interest in starting a parallel competition. The participants would be restricted to those countries whose governments had at least a semblance of democracy, and whose footballing administration had played the game at some time in the past.

Included would be such nations as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, America, some of the Caribbean nations, Brazil, Argentina, the four Home Nations and the Irish Republic. Obviously the list could be expanded, but definitely excluded from participation would be any Arabic or Islamic outfit, along with Russia and any country which counted Russia as a friend. The competion would be called The Freedom Football Cup, choice for the hosting would all be done on a computerised random-access generated algorithm, or else by pulling small numbered blocks out of a hat. Any nation so chosen would be limited as to the amount of money to be spent on stadia, roads and infrastructure, with the specific ruling that no new stadium be built at all. In other words, if football is not a semi-religious occasion in that country, the FFC would not be played there!

So, Prince William and the two Davids, go out and organise that lot!


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